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Member Benefits - Hudson Chamber

Connect. Empower. Advocate.

Our goal is to help you achieve your goals. We are working to create a stronger, growing, and competitive economy and to build vibrant communities. There are benefits to membership!

What Do You Get from A to Z?

Access to Experts and Thought Leaders

We invite experts and industry leaders to address current business concerns.

Advertising and Marketing

Promote your business through our website, email blasts, social media, video channels, events, or ribbon-cutting celebrations.


We advocate on behalf of businesses and nonprofits, focusing on transportation, workforce, and tourism.

  • Need help with permits or licenses? We can advocate for you.
  • Want support on specific topics? Reach out to our advocacy team.

Branded Clothing

Purchase Hudson Chamber swag at our shop.

Business Referrals

Connect with fellow members through events or personalized introductions.

Certificates of Origin

Members receive discounts on certificates for international trade.

Community Calendar

Post your events on our community calendar, emailed weekly to the community.

Community Guide

Highlight your business in our virtual directory for visitors and residents.

Custom Introductions

Need to meet key contacts? We’ll connect you directly.

Directory Listing

Every member is listed in our online directory by category.

Discounts on Events

  • 50% off regular events
  • 25% off signature events

Economic Data

Access key economic, industry, workforce, and housing data for Hudson County.

Educational Events

Empower U is an ongoing webinar series where members share their expertise with others. Recordings are hosted on our website and YouTube channel.

Goodwill and Reputation

Membership enhances your business’s reputation—consumers trust Chamber members.

Government Relations

Engage with elected officials through our government relations programs.

Job Postings

Post your job vacancies to our network and reach qualified candidates.

Leadership Opportunities

Grow your leadership skills by joining member committees or the Board.

Membership Contact Lists

Request an Excel list of fellow members anytime.

Member Networks

Find your community within our diverse network of members.

Member-to-Member Deals

Offer and access special deals exclusively for Chamber members.


  • Celebrations: Monthly event recaps and career highlights.
  • Connections: Weekly newsletter with events, deals, and opportunities.
  • Member Newsletter: Insider updates on advocacy, focus areas, and more.


Build connections, generate leads, and grow professionally through networking events.

New Member Orientation

Maximize your membership by joining our quarterly orientation sessions.


Benefit from our strategic partnerships with government and business agencies.

Payment Plans

Flexible dues with quarterly payment options.


Access external resources to support your business growth.


Boost your brand with membership badges, event promotions, and more.

Website Advertising

Promote your business with web banners and featured listings.


Members receive a dedicated webpage on our site to showcase products and services.

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