Our Mission
The Hudson County Chamber of Commerce is the leading resource for driving economic growth—providing education, advocacy and access to our members within and throughout each community in Hudson County.
Our Vision
To remain Hudson County, New Jersey’s premier, member-focused Chamber promoting economic vitality, quality of life, opportunity, and growth for every sector and segment of our diverse business and nonprofit community by connecting and empowering its members and by advocating for its membership.
Our Core Values
At the Hudson County Chamber of Commerce, we are committed to being:
- Collaborative
- Responsive
- Effective
- Accountable
- Member-focused
We Make It Happen!
Since 1888, the Hudson Chamber is Hudson County's leading resource for economic growth. Our diverse and dynamic membership contributes to a stronger, growing and competitive economy and vibrant communities throughout our 12 municipalities. One of New Jersey's largest regional chambers, "We Make It Happen" by supporting member interests, enhancing member value, forming business alliances, showcasing members, sectors and segments, and advocating for our members, business and nonprofit communities. We work with organizations located in Hudson County, New Jersey, or seeking to do business here. Come join us!
Together: the Power of Membership
Together is a word that you will hear us use frequently. As a member-focused Chamber, we consider ourselves partners and will work together with you. Our goal is to help our members achieve their goals.
Members tell us that the primary reason they join the Chamber is to acquire more customers, whatever the term "customer" means relative to their particular business. To accomplish that goal, we will connect, empower and advocate through:
1 Networking
- Annual signature events
- Ongoing networking sessions
- Educational and DEI programming
- Participation in affinity networks and committees
- Introductions
2 B2B opportunities
- Business partnerships
- Collaborations
- Member-to-member discounts
3 Visibility
- Online Chamber directory
- Community calendar
- Advertising
- Marketing
- Leads
- Tourism guide
- Philanthropic opportunities
4 Advocacy
- Goodwill
- Supporting our member organizations
- Supporting the business community
- Supporting community quality of life
- Effecting change
Hudson Chamber Members are:
- Large corporations, small businesses and entrepreneurs.
- Nationally recognized and family owned.
- Startups and companies with a long history of doing business in Hudson County.
- Hospitality providers, including restaurants and retailers.
- Professional service providers practicing law, accounting and medicine.
- Public and private schools and institutions of higher education.
- Cultural and entertainment destinations.
- Many of the area’s leading nonprofits.
Learn more about our Membership and Join Us today!
Hoboken Chamber of Commerce

The Hudson County Chamber of Commerce and the Hoboken Chamber of Commerce merged to offer greater benefits, programming and services to our combined membership of 650 companies and organizations. Hoboken Chamber Members can enjoy the same privileges as Hudson Chamber Members while also continuing to participate in locally organized Hoboken Chamber events.
Our Partners
In an effort to bring resources to our Members, the Hudson County Chamber of Commerce maintains a number of memberships, affiliations and partnerships that allow us to source potential information, programs and benefits.
- Member, U.S. Chamber of Commerce The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business organization representing the interests of more than 3 million businesses of all sizes, sectors, and regions. Through our membership, we take advantage of information related to advocacy on business issues. We also leverage professional development opportunities for our staff.
- Member, Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives ACCE is a national association uniquely serving individuals involved in the management of chambers of commerce. ACCE's mission is to support and develop chamber professionals to lead businesses and their communities. ACCE currently has more than 7,500 professional members in 1,200 chambers of commerce. These professionals represent local, regional, and state chambers of commerce of all sizes across the United States and Canada.
- Member, New Jersey Business & Industry Association The New Jersey Business & Industry Association provides information, services and advocacy to its member companies in order to build a more prosperous New Jersey. NJBIA is the nation's largest statewide employer association. Its members, as a group, employ more than one million people.
- Member, New Jersey Chamber of Commerce
- Sponsor, Hudson County Employer Legislative Committees There is no better way to meet with your legislators, network with your colleagues, and learn about issues affecting your business than to attend your local ELC meetings. The ELCs, established by NJBIA in 1959, are independent, local organizations representing all 21 counties. At each meeting, legislators, cabinet members or local officials will discuss important issues pertinent to business. See our Calendar of Events for upcoming Hudson ELC meetings.